本文通过两个例子讨论了如何使用结构函数来分析半导体封装内部的热特性,或者说任何复杂电子系统的热特性。结构函数还能用于其他应用,例如:获得多芯片封装的热测量,在不同环境条件下对封装中的TIM 进行系统内测试,利用温度和功率循环为可靠性分析提供数据,以及测试交流驱动 LED 等。
现在可以提供这些功能的测试设备软件包括:Simcenter T3STER 瞬态热分析系统,用于分析 LED 的 Simcenter TERALED™ 软件,用于测试 TIM 的 Simcenter DYNTIM,以及用于实验室中或车间的功率循环和封装测试的Simcenter Micred™ Power Tester 软件。
1. Thermal Management for LED Applications, Clemens J.M.Lasance and Andras Poppe, Eds., Springer, New York, 2014.
2. Lasance C J M, den Hertog D., Stehouwer P., “Creation and evaluation of compact models for thermal characterisation using dedicated optimisation software,” Proceedings of the 15th IEEE Semiconductor Thermal Measurement and Management Symposium (SEMITHERM’ 99), San Diego, USA, 9-11 March 1999, pp. 189-200.
3. Székely V., Bien T.V., “Fine structure of heat flow path in semiconductor devices: a measurement and identification method,” Solid-State Electronics 31(9):1363-1368 (1988).
4. Farkas G., Poppe A., Kollár E., Stehouwer P., “Dynamic Compact Models of Cooling Mounts for Fast Board Level Design,” Proceedings of the 19th IEEE Semiconductor Thermal Measurement and Management Symposium (SEMI-THERM’03).San Jose, 11-13 March 2003. pp. 255-262 (2003).
5. Szabó P., Poppe A., Rencz M., “Studies on the possibilities of in-line die attach characterization of semiconductor devices,” Proceedings of the 9th Electronics Packaging Technology Conference (EPTC’07), 10-12 December 2007, Singapore, pp. 779-784 (ISBN: 978-1-4244-1324-9).
6. Szabó P., Rencz M., Farkas G., Poppe, A. “Short time die attach characterization of LEDs for in-line testing application,” Proceedings of the 8th Electronics Packaging Technology Conference (EPTC’06): Volume One.Singapore, 6-8 December 2008, pp. 360-366 (ISBN: 1-4244-0664-1).
7. ASTM Standard D 5470, 2012, Standard Test Method for Thermal Transmission Properties of Thin Thermally Conductive Solid Electrical Insulation Materials.ASTM International, West Conshohocken, Pennsylvania, USA, 2012, DOI: 10.1520/D5470-12; www.astm.org.
8. https://www.plm.automation.siemens.com/global/en/products/simcenter/dyntim.html
9. Vass Várnai A., Bornoff R., Sárkány Z., Ress S., Rencz M., “Measurement Based Compact Thermal Model Creation – Accurate Approach to Neglect Inaccurate TIM Conductivity Data,” Proceedings of the 13th Electronics Packaging Technology Conference (EPCT’11), 7-9 December 2011, Singapore, pp. 67-72.
贝思科尔(BasiCAE),专注于为国内高科技电子、半导体、通信等行业提供先进的电子设计自动化(EDA)、工程仿真分析(CAE)、半导体器件热阻(Rth)及功率循环(Power Cycling)热可靠性测试,以及研发数据信息化管理的解决方案和产品服务。